People still love traditional live in person training – so how do Trainers bring AI into the classroom and is it worth the effort?
Opportunities and Challenges.previewContent
Bob Spence
Whether you're new to business development or a seasoned professional, selling as a smaller company to a larger one is always a challenge. Unlike dealing with smaller companies, there's rarely a direct route.
Adrian Ashton
It’s a familiar ritual at the end of any training session: “please fill out the feedback forms – they help us understand how you’ve found the learning today” (or some such similar bland recital).
Colleges, schools, and training providers all panicked in the Spring of that year as they scrambled to figure out how to deliver their established courses through screens, rather than rooms – several of which approached me for support with this, as someone who’d been exploring and thinking about how to do so successfully since 2017.
Mohammed Zafor Ullah Nizam
A Critical Analysis of Team Management Strategies.previewContent
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